Reiq Business Sale Contract Qld

REIQ Busi­ness Sale Con­tract in QLD: Every­thing You Need to Know

Are you plan­ning to buy or sell a busi­ness in Queens­land? If so, you need to famil­iar­ize your­self with the REIQ Busi­ness Sale Con­tract, which is the stan­dard agree­ment used by most real estate agents and solic­i­tors in the state.

In this arti­cle, we’ll explain what the REIQ Busi­ness Sale Con­tract is, what it cov­ers, and how to use it to pro­tect your interests.

What is the REIQ Busi­ness Sale Contract?

The REIQ Busi­ness Sale Con­tract is a legal doc­u­ment that sets out the terms and con­di­tions of a busi­ness sale in Queens­land. It’s designed to pro­tect both the buyer and the seller and to ensure that the trans­ac­tion is con­ducted in a fair and trans­par­ent manner.

The con­tract is pre­pared by the Real Estate Insti­tute of Queens­land (REIQ) and is based on the stan­dard con­tract approved by the Queens­land Law Soci­ety. It cov­ers all aspects of the sale, includ­ing the price, pay­ment terms, assets included, lia­bil­i­ties, and any con­di­tions or warranties.

What does the REIQ Busi­ness Sale Con­tract cover?

The REIQ Busi­ness Sale Con­tract cov­ers a wide range of issues that are rel­e­vant to a busi­ness sale. These include:

1. Price and pay­ment terms: The con­tract out­lines the pur­chase price and how it will be paid, such as a lump sum or install­ment payments.

2. Assets and lia­bil­i­ties: The con­tract spec­i­fies the assets that are included in the sale, such as equip­ment, stock, and intel­lec­tual prop­erty. It also iden­ti­fies any lia­bil­i­ties that the buyer will be tak­ing on, such as out­stand­ing debts or leases.

3. War­ranties and rep­re­sen­ta­tions: The seller will usu­ally pro­vide war­ranties and rep­re­sen­ta­tions about the busi­ness, such as its finan­cial per­for­mance, legal com­pli­ance, and own­er­ship of assets.

4. Con­di­tions: The con­tract may include con­di­tions that need to be met before the sale can be com­pleted, such as obtain­ing finance or reg­u­la­tory approvals.

5. Con­fi­den­tial­ity: The con­tract may include pro­vi­sions to pro­tect the con­fi­den­tial­ity of sen­si­tive busi­ness infor­ma­tion, such as cus­tomer data and trade secrets.

How to use the REIQ Busi­ness Sale Contract

If you’re buy­ing or sell­ing a busi­ness in Queens­land, you should seek the advice of a qual­i­fied solic­i­tor or real estate agent who is expe­ri­enced in busi­ness sales. They can help you to draft or review the con­tract and ensure that it meets your needs.

Once the con­tract has been pre­pared and agreed upon by both par­ties, it should be signed and exchanged. The buyer will usu­ally pay a deposit, which will be held in trust until the sale is completed.

The con­tract will also need to be reg­is­tered with the rel­e­vant gov­ern­ment agency, such as the Aus­tralian Secu­ri­ties and Invest­ments Com­mis­sion (ASIC) or the Queens­land Office of State Revenue.


The REIQ Busi­ness Sale Con­tract is an essen­tial doc­u­ment for any­one buy­ing or sell­ing a busi­ness in Queens­land. It pro­vides a frame­work for the trans­ac­tion and ensures that both par­ties are protected.

If you’re con­sid­er­ing a busi­ness sale, be sure to engage the ser­vices of an expe­ri­enced solic­i­tor or real estate agent who can guide you through the process and help you to nego­ti­ate a fair and trans­par­ent deal.