Prenuptial Agreement Indiana Example

As cou­ples plan their wed­dings, it’s impor­tant to also con­sider what will hap­pen in the event of a divorce. One way to do that is through a prenup­tial agree­ment. In the state of Indi­ana, prenup­tial agree­ments are legally bind­ing con­tracts that out­line the divi­sion of assets and debts, spousal sup­port, and any other finan­cial mat­ters in the case of divorce.

If you’re con­sid­er­ing a prenup­tial agree­ment, it’s impor­tant to know what should be included. Here’s an exam­ple of what a prenup­tial agree­ment in Indi­ana might look like:

Prenup­tial Agree­ment between [name of spouse 1] and [name of spouse 2]

This prenup­tial agree­ment (“Agree­ment”) is made on [date], by and between [name of spouse 1], (“Spouse 1”) and [name of spouse 2] (“Spouse 2”).

1. Prop­erty Rights

Each party acknowl­edges that all prop­erty acquired by them before the mar­riage remains their sep­a­rate prop­erty and shall be retained by them in the event of a divorce.

2. Mar­i­tal Property

All prop­erty acquired dur­ing the mar­riage by either spouse or both, whether titled solely or jointly, is mar­i­tal prop­erty. In the event of a divorce, the mar­i­tal prop­erty will be divided as follows:

a. Each party shall retain their sep­a­rate prop­erty, includ­ing any prop­erty received as a gift or inheritance.

b. Mar­i­tal prop­erty shall be divided equally between the parties.

3. Spousal Support

Nei­ther party shall be enti­tled to spousal sup­port from the other party in the event of a divorce.

4. Attor­ney Fees

In the event of a divorce, each party shall be respon­si­ble for their own attor­ney fees.

5. Gov­ern­ing Law

This Agree­ment shall be gov­erned by and con­strued in accor­dance with the laws of the State of Indiana.

6. Entire Agreement

This Agree­ment con­tains the entire under­stand­ing of the par­ties and super­sedes all prior dis­cus­sions and agree­ments between them.

7. Mod­i­fi­ca­tion and Termination

This Agree­ment may only be mod­i­fied or ter­mi­nated in writ­ing, signed by both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par­ties have exe­cuted this Agree­ment on the date first above written.

[name of spouse 1]

[name of spouse 2]

As with any legal doc­u­ment, it’s impor­tant to con­sult with an attor­ney before sign­ing a prenup­tial agree­ment. An attor­ney can review the doc­u­ment and ensure that it com­plies with Indi­ana law and that both par­ties fully under­stand the terms and impli­ca­tions of the agreement.

While prenup­tial agree­ments may not seem roman­tic, they can pro­vide peace of mind and finan­cial secu­rity for both par­ties in the event of a divorce. By address­ing poten­tial issues before they arise, a prenup­tial agree­ment can help cou­ples build a solid foun­da­tion for a suc­cess­ful marriage.