Party Wall Agreement Surrey

If you‘re plan­ning to carry out build­ing work on a prop­erty in Sur­rey that is a semi-detached or ter­raced house, then you‘ll likely need to agree on a party wall. A party wall agree­ment is a legal agree­ment between you and your neigh­bors, gov­ern­ing the shared wall between the two prop­er­ties. If you‘re unsure about whether you need a party wall agree­ment, it‘s best to con­sult a pro­fes­sional sur­veyor or party wall spe­cial­ist in Surrey.

What is a Party Wall Agreement?

A party wall agree­ment (PWA) is a legal agree­ment between the own­ers of two prop­er­ties, who have build­ing work planned that may affect the shared wall between them. The agree­ment cov­ers the respon­si­bil­i­ties and oblig­a­tions of each owner con­cern­ing the shared wall. The agree­ment is a legal doc­u­ment that must be signed by both par­ties and kept safe for future reference.

When Do You Need a Party Wall Agreement?

You‘ll typ­i­cally need a PWA if the build­ing work you‘re car­ry­ing out includes one or more of the following:

- Build­ing on or at the bound­ary between two properties

- Exca­vat­ing or dig­ging within a cer­tain dis­tance of the neighbor‘s property

- Mak­ing alter­ations to a party wall, includ­ing cut­ting into it or remov­ing it.

It‘s impor­tant to note that even if your build­ing work doesn‘t affect the party wall directly, you may still need to serve a notice to your neigh­bor if the work will cause noise or vibration.

How to Orga­nize a Party Wall Agree­ment in Surrey

The party wall process can be com­plex, and it‘s best to hire a pro­fes­sional sur­veyor who can take care of every­thing for you. The sur­veyor will first deter­mine whether a PWA is nec­es­sary, and if so, they‘ll draw up the agree­ment, which will include a sched­ule of condition.

The sched­ule of con­di­tion shows the state of the shared wall before build­ing work com­mences. This is impor­tant because it ensures that any dam­age caused dur­ing the build­ing work can be clearly iden­ti­fied and resolved. Both par­ties will need to agree to the sched­ule of con­di­tion before any work commences.

The sur­veyor will then serve a notice to your neigh­bor, inform­ing them of the build­ing work you plan to carry out and the need for a PWA. Your neigh­bor will then have 14 days to respond.

If your neigh­bor agrees to the PWA, they will need to sign it, and the build­ing work can com­mence. If, how­ever, your neigh­bor dis­agrees to the PWA, you‘ll need to appoint a party wall sur­veyor to resolve the dispute.


A party wall agree­ment is a legal require­ment for build­ing work that affects the shared wall between two prop­er­ties. It‘s impor­tant to ensure that you have a PWA in place before you com­mence any build­ing work; oth­er­wise, you may be liable for legal action. Hir­ing a pro­fes­sional sur­veyor or party wall spe­cial­ist in Sur­rey can help you nav­i­gate the com­plex party wall process and ensure that every­thing is in place for a smooth and suc­cess­ful build­ing project.