Learning Agreement Erasmus Uni Mainz

If you‘re plan­ning on study­ing abroad through the Eras­mus pro­gram, it‘s essen­tial to under­stand the learn­ing agree­ment. The learn­ing agree­ment is a doc­u­ment that out­lines the courses you plan to take while study­ing abroad and ensures that those courses will trans­fer back to your home insti­tu­tion. In this arti­cle, we‘ll pro­vide an overview of the learn­ing agree­ment process at the Uni­ver­sity of Mainz.

Step 1: Under­stand Your Home Institution‘s Requirements

Before you begin fill­ing out the learn­ing agree­ment, it‘s essen­tial to under­stand your home institution‘s require­ments. Check with your study abroad advi­sor to deter­mine what courses you need to take while study­ing abroad. Make sure that the courses you select align with your aca­d­e­mic goals and requirements.

Step 2: Select Your Courses

Once you have a good under­stand­ing of what courses you need to take, it‘s time to select your courses at the Uni­ver­sity of Mainz. The uni­ver­sity offers a wide range of courses across a vari­ety of fields, so there should be some­thing that meets your aca­d­e­mic needs.

Step 3: Fill Out the Learn­ing Agreement

Once you have selected your courses, it‘s time to fill out the learn­ing agree­ment. The learn­ing agree­ment is a form that out­lines the courses you will take while study­ing abroad. You will need to fill out the course code, course title, ECTS cred­its, and the lan­guage of instruc­tion for each course.

Step 4: Get Approval

After you have filled out the learn­ing agree­ment, you will need to get approval from your home insti­tu­tion and the Uni­ver­sity of Mainz. Your home insti­tu­tion will need to approve the courses you have selected, while the Uni­ver­sity of Mainz will need to approve your appli­ca­tion to study abroad.

Step 5: Make Changes if Necessary

If either your home insti­tu­tion or the Uni­ver­sity of Mainz rejects any of the courses you have selected, you will need to make changes to the learn­ing agree­ment. Work with your study abroad advi­sor to select alter­na­tive courses that meet your aca­d­e­mic requirements.

Step 6: Sign the Learn­ing Agreement

Once all courses have been approved, it‘s time to sign the learn­ing agree­ment. Both you and your study abroad advi­sor at your home insti­tu­tion will need to sign the agree­ment, as well as the coor­di­na­tor at the Uni­ver­sity of Mainz.

In con­clu­sion, the learn­ing agree­ment is a crit­i­cal part of the Eras­mus pro­gram. It ensures that the courses you take while abroad will trans­fer back to your home insti­tu­tion and count towards your aca­d­e­mic require­ments. By fol­low­ing the steps out­lined in this arti­cle, you can ensure that your learn­ing agree­ment is filled out cor­rectly and gets approved in a timely manner.