Educational Assistance Reimbursement Agreement

As the cost of edu­ca­tion con­tin­ues to rise, many employ­ers are offer­ing edu­ca­tional assis­tance pro­grams as a way to attract and retain top tal­ent. These pro­grams pro­vide finan­cial sup­port for employ­ees who pur­sue addi­tional edu­ca­tion and train­ing, often with the require­ment that they con­tinue to work for the employer for a set period of time after com­ple­tion of the pro­gram. To ensure that both par­ties are clear on the terms of this arrange­ment, an edu­ca­tional assis­tance reim­burse­ment agree­ment is typ­i­cally used.

What is an Edu­ca­tional Assis­tance Reim­burse­ment Agreement?

An edu­ca­tional assis­tance reim­burse­ment agree­ment is a legal doc­u­ment that out­lines the terms of an employer-provided edu­ca­tional assis­tance pro­gram. It typ­i­cally includes the following:

- Eli­gi­bil­ity require­ments: This may include fac­tors such as length of employ­ment, job per­for­mance, and type of degree or pro­gram being pursued.

- Max­i­mum reim­burse­ment amount: The agree­ment will spec­ify the max­i­mum amount of finan­cial assis­tance offered by the employer. This may be a set dol­lar amount or a per­cent­age of the total cost of the edu­ca­tion or training.

- Repay­ment terms: In the event that the employee does not ful­fill the terms of the agree­ment (such as leav­ing the com­pany before the required period of ser­vice is com­pleted), the agree­ment will spec­ify whether the employee is required to repay any funds received.

Why Use an Edu­ca­tional Assis­tance Reim­burse­ment Agreement?

For employ­ers, an edu­ca­tional assis­tance pro­gram can be a valu­able tool for attract­ing and retain­ing top tal­ent. By offer­ing finan­cial sup­port for addi­tional edu­ca­tion, employ­ers can demon­strate their com­mit­ment to employee devel­op­ment and pro­vide a valu­able ben­e­fit to their workforce.

How­ever, it‘s impor­tant to ensure that both par­ties are clear on the terms of the arrange­ment. An edu­ca­tional assis­tance reim­burse­ment agree­ment can help to ensure that the employee under­stands their respon­si­bil­i­ties and the poten­tial con­se­quences of not ful­fill­ing them. It can also help to pro­tect the employer‘s invest­ment in the employee‘s edu­ca­tion by spec­i­fy­ing repay­ment terms in the event that the employee does not ful­fill the terms of the agreement.


Offer­ing an edu­ca­tional assis­tance pro­gram can be a win-win for both employ­ers and employ­ees. How­ever, it‘s impor­tant to ensure that both par­ties under­stand the terms of the arrange­ment and that expec­ta­tions are clearly com­mu­ni­cated. An edu­ca­tional assis­tance reim­burse­ment agree­ment can help to accom­plish this and pro­vide a valu­able tool for both employ­ers and employees.